Thursday, 14 November 2013

NMIFF welcomes the entry of a short film "Ganji-Bald Woman" from India, DIRECTED by Prabha Raghavan.

"A woman is supposed to be a package, ‘perfect’ in every way: beautiful, skilled, gentle. The absence of even a single virtue and immediately she faces a drop in her ‘worth’ since, after all, she is seen as nothing more than a commodity. Over lands and time, many characteristics that make up this ‘perfect’ have changed. However, there has always remained that one constant – long and thick hair.
A bald woman, therefore, is an anomaly.
Produced by students of Kamala Nehru College, the film observes, through the study of bald women, the social constructs of gender and the impact of straying from assigned characteristics of femininity on individuals and society as a whole."

Country:  India

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