Sunday 8 March 2015

NMIFF welcomes the entry of a Short Film “Apitherapy” from Belgium, Directed By Patrice Goldberg & Erol Cetiner.

Honey and health is a long history. The ancient Egyptians were using it to treat a variety of diseases. Today, he is best known for its soothing virtue while suffering from a cold or a sore throat. And yet ... Did you know that when you apply it on some wounds, honey can have an absolutely amazing healing power? And that's not it. The hive itself is in fact a real pharmacy. There is for example the royal jelly. Researches seem to show that it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. And also propolis, a resin that allows the bees to make their hives as sterile as an operating room and that is for humans an excellent antiseptic. Even more surprising, the bee venom itself seems appropriate in certain muscle and joint diseases.

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