The story revolves around a visually impaired boy named Gopal.Gopal meets Vasant, who is warli artist & has come to Mumbai to exhibit his paintings.Vasant feels that Warli art, which is an ancient tribal art of Maharashtra is slowly fading away.Gopal is constantly being tormented about his disability by his uncle and a few kids in the chawl. Vasant decides to take him to his village Valwanda, which is home for Warli tribes.Vasant teaches Gopal to paint using various unique techiques.Anna accidently land in this village and is astonished to see a blind boy paint so swiftly.She writes a blog about it and the video becomes viral.Anna pursuades Vasant to give exposure to Gopal\'s art by conducting a painting exhibition and an eye donation campaign, so that others like Gopal can benefit from it. Is the eye donation campaign a success? If it is, then does Gopal get to see his own creations?
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