Monday, 13 June 2016

3rd Navi Mumbai International Film Festival NMIFF-2016 welcomes the submission of Feature film "LCHAIM TO LIFE" from Germany, Directed by Elkan Spiller.

"L'CHAIM!-TO LIFE!" is a story about Chaim Lubelski who was a Jewish scholar, and a part of the jet set of St. Tropez and a successful businessman in New York. At 63, he moved to Antwerp to live with his mother – a concentration camp survivor – taking care of her, day and night, with true love and joy. In his feature documentary debut L’CHAIM!, director and producer Elkan Spiller introduces us to his eccentric and charismatic cousin, whose non - conformist life, as a second generation survivor, is deeply affected by the Holocaust and its traumatic aftermath. A life full of absurdities and tenderness, which, like Spiller’s film, breaks with every cliche.

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