Synopsis: In Full Bloom is a surrealist short film about overcoming the loss of a partner within the parameters of living as a female Vietnamese immigrant. After her husband’s death, Cecile becomes an agoraphobic hoarder, paradoxically practicing what she loves — gardening — indoors without the help of direct sunlight. She orders worms to grow a rare flower. Though they help the flower grow, the development comes at a price when the worms create a black hole that absorbs everything she cherishes. With her home unrecognizably empty, she has no choice but to leave for the first time since her husband died and re-assimilate into society on her own terms.
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#BITFF #In_Full_Bloom #Maegan_Houang #banjaracinema #filmpromotios #musicvideo #filmfestival #worldcinema #shortfilm #featurefilm #filmmaker #nomination #award #script #globalfilmfestival #international #producer #director #actor #actress #no1 #documentary #filmproduction #awardwinningfilms #screenwriting #screenplay #filmfreeway #animation.
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