Synopsis: A terrified common man, hiding in a disused pedestrian subway in the backdrop of communal violence, becomes fearful when he notices the presence of another man in the subway. Unaware of each other’s intentions and religion, their fear for each other goes at its peak. Situational misunderstandings add up to the distrust between them, which keeps them on their toes. They must face their insecurity and fear for each other in order to sustain the highly tense and fearful situation.
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#BITFF #Dogma #Omkar_Modgi #banjaracinema #filmpromotios #musicvideo #filmfestival #worldcinema #shortfilm #featurefilm #filmmaker #nomination #award #script #globalfilmfestival #international #producer #director #actor #actress #no1 #documentary #filmproduction #awardwinningfilms #screenwriting #screenplay #filmfreeway #animation.
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