Tuesday, 9 February 2016

3rd Navi Mumbai International Film Festival NMIFF-2016 welcomes the submission of a Short Film "Tindog Tacloban - Rice Tacloban" from Phillipines, Directed by Archie Omega.

"Tacloban - Rice Tacloban" is a story that captures the spirit of survival and resilience of young citizen of Tacloban city in Philippines. Tacloban city was devastated by a powerful Typhoon Yolanda in November 2013. The survivors of this powerful Typhoon fought the tragedy with their sheer power of resilience to spring back to normal life. Their resilience is rooted in their collective action, optimism, faith in god and their love for life. This documentary narrates the story of a young man from Tacloban who lost all his family and everything he owned in Tacloban. He is cared and brought back to life by his friends by reigniting his love for Dance!

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