Synopsis: The boy at platform 3 is the story of a boy who has no friends. Disturbing family conditions. The main station of the big town nearby becomes his place of longing for his daily getaways. Lost and comforted by the fantasies he spends most of his spare time watching the trains.
#BITFF #The_boy_at_platform_3 #Michael_Daniel_Vetter #banjaracinema #filmpromotions #musicvideo #filmfestival #worldcinema #shortfilm #featurefilm #filmmaker #nomination #award #script #globalfilmfestival #international #producer #director #actor #actress #no1 #documentary #filmproduction #awardwinningfilms #screenwriting #screenplay #filmfreeway.
#BITFF #The_boy_at_platform_3 #Michael_Daniel_Vetter #banjaracinema #filmpromotions #musicvideo #filmfestival #worldcinema #shortfilm #featurefilm #filmmaker #nomination #award #script #globalfilmfestival #international #producer #director #actor #actress #no1 #documentary #filmproduction #awardwinningfilms #screenwriting #screenplay #filmfreeway.
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