Sunday, 21 April 2019

5th Banjara International Touring Film Festival welcomes the submission of Short Film "Ten Thousand" from India, directed by Naveed Mulki

Synopsis: Kalaripayattu is the most ancient martial art in the world. It was once a way of life in the quiet coastline of India. It remained the backbone of the society there for a thousand years until the British empire came along and banned martial art as it viewed it as a threat. They systematically broke down every practice of the art and would have succeeded in completely destroying it, if it wasn't for the efforts of a few Kalaripayattu masters. These masters secretly kept alive their traditions in little pockets and practiced it for many years and generations in the dark. When India gained its independence from the British empire, Kalaripayattu finally had its chance to find its way back into society.

#BITFF #Ten_Thousand  #Naveed_Mulki #banjaracinema #filmpromotions #musicvideo

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