Synopsis: The story revolves around a teenager who is misguided by false love , and eventually tries to find his way out of depression, never realizing that there were mysterious photographs of his girlfriend with 10 boys all over the school campus.
Synopsis: "A scholar girl, named Pragati almost 18 years old cracked an exam for law admission. Getting selected in a good private college she gets 5 days to pay admission fees, but unfortunately she is an orphan child and living in a financially not so well orphanage. Story revolves around her and
orphanage conductor Wagh madam’s struggle to arrange expected fees in given time."
Synopsis: A teenager, Christina, loses her friends in the forest. Looking for them she finds the bodies of three drowned kids on the shore of a lagoon. On summer holiday, deep in the woods, three kids, cousins, are playing around a lake when they find a drowned young woman drifting in the water. Games, lies and rituals unfolding into a circular time in which death loses its ultimacy.
Synopsis: Every man is an abyss, with the exception of Dieter (55). When his wife Tamara unexpectedly escapes their ceaseless repetition of a life together to elope to Mont Saint Michel, Dieter is forced to leave the security of his row house cocoon for the first time. Aided by congenial vagabond and street philosopher Ronen (38) Dieter embarks on a journey that will confront him with the impossibility of escaping one's self.
Synopsis: Using a poetically lyrical dialogue, “Lost In Hope” tells the story of the Israeli Rachel and the Palestinian Yasser. Yasser yearns to live in freedom, away from the hopelessness and violence in his country, Rachel dreams of studying music.Unfortunately their respective futures are shaped by the conflict in their countries.
Synopsis: Angie lives with her mom and struggles to manage a heavy dosage of medication for a neurological disorder. Reeling from the death of her brother and oppressed by the very medication meant to cure her, Angie yearns for the strange, otherworldly seizures that at once haunted her and made her feel alive.
Synopsis: Individualistic Alexander and career focused Miriam split up. Suddenly the news of Miriams pregnancy. Alexander is up for a future together with her and the baby, Miriam is afflicted by doubts whether they´d be good parents or not. Can they become a couple again?
Synopsis: Murders of drug dealers are piling up in the city. Thanks to exclusive information, the 34-year-old journalist Franziska is able to move quickly between the crime scenes. When she discovers the murder weapon at her place, she comes to realisation that she is the one responsible for the killings. Inspector Michael, whom she is in a serious relationship with, has already caught her in the very act. Now her thoughts revolve around the last remaining bullet.
Synopsis: Sternenkind is a short film about a couple (Julia and Hannes) that is awaiting their first child. In the last third of the pregnancy a lethal illness is diagnosed to the child which means that it will die before birth. While Julia is waiting for the child to die (inside her), the differences between the couple emerge and destroy their relationship.