Synopsis: Masala Chai: A documentary film which shows the daily routine of five tea makers from different social backgrounds all over India. Masala Chai gives us a deep insight into the life of five tea makers. An emotional and informative documentary film about the social conditions, contrasts and traditions of India.
Synopsis: Julio and Alejandro are born and raised in the Dominican Republic, they speak Dominican Spanish, they love the Dominican culture, they feel like Dominicans. Yet they are in danger of being expelled to Haiti, a country they have never seen, whose language they don't speak, whose culture they don't know.
Synopsis: The film Open Land offers an intimate portrait of it's protagonist, living jazz legend John Abercrombie. This wonderful encounter is as poetic and dense as his music. Open Land is a very personal portrait that gives an insight into the life and work of this outstanding artist.
Synopsis: "The Happiest Man“ tells the story of a personal journey. A 24-year old woman flies from Germany to Sydney, Australia, to portrait the 94-year-old Holocaust survivor Eddie Jaku. By sharing his life story he transforms the pain of the past into joy and happiness and teaches especially younger generations how happiness can
be found, even in the darkest of times."
Synopsis: After a devastating global nuclear and chemical war, Britain is divided into two: the war wasteland in the south and the surviving north. Thousands of virus-infected refugees are trying to travel up north where civilized life is still possible. A disciplined military captain Thomas is tasked with toughening up a young and kind soldier Landon, who is unable to shoot the innocent refugees.
Synopsis:Despite his solid build, Jason is a shy teenager. At the pool, a classmate bullies him, comparing him to a "Sumo". Furious, he seizes the young man and tries to drown him. The assault is violent, Jason faces three days of suspension. At home, he kills time researching on "Rikishis", these Japanese athletes considered godlike. The identification is instantaneous. The journey begins...
Synopsis: In the Villa of a once noble Italian family, a nine years old girl hoping to make it to her first Holy Communion, is thrown by her parent's separation and her mother's departure. She goes looking for reconciliation, only to find a "communion" she never expected.